8 Tips to Protecting Your Lawn in the Fall and Winter

Fall and winter are the make-it or break-it seasons for grass. Lawn Care Louisville KY should be thinking about next spring as they prep their lawns for the upcoming cold months. Yard work is no walk in the park; it’s actually quite a chore. Here are a few winter lawn care tips that can help your grass make it through the colder months so that it is lush in the springtime.

1. Aerate at Least Once Per Year

It is important to make sure your lawn gets a breather in autumn and winter. Aeration tools are used to break up compacted turf, and pull up plugs of soil and grass. A hand-aerating tool is shaped like a pitchfork with hollow tines. It is labor-intensive, but by unplugging small portions, this allows oxygen, nutrients and water to reach the roots. There are also gas-powered machines available. They are roughly the size of a mower and are great for large yards.

This process can provide room for the seeds to sprout, and new grass to grow and spread, without competing with pesky weeds. If you have kids that like to play in your yard or have an otherwise high-traffic Lawn Care Louisville, it is recommended to aerate twice per year: once in the autumn and once in the spring. If your yard is just for presentation, it is best to aerate once per year for the best results.

2. Seed Your Lawn

Autumn is typically when the soil temperature reaches around 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Since turf roots grow extensively in the fall and winter, this is the prime time for seeding. While it may be tempting to go for the inexpensive seed, it can hurt you in the long run.

heap seed often contains weed seed, annual rye grass seed and hollow husks, which will typically drop dead after the first frost. If you want a lush law, it is best to splurge on the more expensive seed, which are much better at resisting insects, disease and drought. After you plant the seed, water it every day until it germinates.

3. Fertilize Before the First Frost

Fertilizing in the late fall before the first frost occurs can provide your grass with nutrients that it can absorb and store. This can help it survive the harsh winter months and encourage it to grow lush and green in the spring. This should also be your last fertilizing of the year.

Lawns that are fertilized late-season are typically the first to grow in the spring. Choose a fertilizer product that is high in phosphorous (10 to 15 percent is best). This is critical for root growth. If you live in an area where phosphorous-rich fertilizer has been banned, seek nitrogen-rich fertilizers as a replacement. These can promote root and shoot growth.

4. Grind Leaves Into Mulch

Throughout the winter, any leaves, organic debris and dead grass plants can freeze and thaw, causing them to release soluble forms of nitrates and phosphate. When the ground thaws in the spring, these chemicals can then run off and end up in surface water. Make sure you rake up all the leaves before the first frost.

Raking can also reduce brown patches and keep parts of your yard from becoming sun-deprived. Instead of raking them up to burn or throw away, run over them with the mower a few times until they are grinded into mulch. These shredded leaves can protect your Louisville Lawn Care from desiccation and wind.

A mulching blade can also be purchased to add to your mower. This tool can grind the leaves even finer. As an added bonus, when shredded leaves decompose, they create an organic matter to feed roots.

5. Don’t Stop Mowing

One of many helpful winter lawn care tips is to continue mowing, even when it does get colder. Continue to mow your yard until you see the growth slow. It is essential to keep your grass at 2 to 2 1/2 inches tall throughout the autumn months.

If it gets longer than 3 inches, it can mat. This can lead to lawn disease problems, such as snow mold. If it is shorter than 2 inches, its ability to store food for growth will be limited.

6. Sustain Growth by Watering

Although the temperatures are cooler, it is important to continue watering. Since grasses continue to grow in the autumn months, it is important to sustain its growth by watering consistently. Water as needed until the ground begins to freeze. If you have an automatic irrigation system, avoid damage by blowing it out with compressed air before the water is able to freeze in the sprinkler heads and pipes.

7. Weed Control

Autumn is a good time of year to control perennial broadleaf weeds, including clover, plantain, dandelions and creeping charlie. Some weeds can be removed by hand, but many are scattered and few or confined to tiny areas. One of the most efficient ways to remove these weeds is by spot-treating them with herbicide.

This is easier with ready-to-use spray containers. It is best to complete this treatment when the temperature is above 50 degrees, as the herbicide will need sufficient time to kill the weeds before the winter cold sets in. This is also a good time to remove any sticks and other debris from the flowerbeds, under bushes or in the yard.

8. Prepare Plants and Spigots for the Frost

If you live in a region with cold winters, be sure to put away watering systems and hoses. It is also important to turn off water to the outdoor spigots, and protect the spigots with insulated foam covers.

Be sure to bring any outdoor plants or flowers into your home before the cold sets in to protect them from freezing. If you live in a milder weather region, be sure to find an insulated cover to place over the plants to protect them from any frost. This is also a good time to remove any plants from your flowerbeds that are no longer in season.

Prepare for Cold Seasons for Better Springtime Growth

With temperatures dropping and leaves changing colors, it’s typical to forget about the Lawn mowing Louisville KY and think more about football and the holidays. This go-to guide can provide helpful winter lawn care tips to prepare for the colder seasons so that your yard can grow lush and green in the spring.


One of the most frustrating parts of winter is the need to shovel snow. You might just want to wait until springtime and just let it all melt. However, the effort must be given.

If you’re tired of wasting time and effort on removing snow every winter, it’s time to use these 9 snow removal tips for your home to get the job done easier, more effectively, and better than ever before.

Top 9 Snow Removal Tips:


In Upstate New York, we’re pretty used to the snowfall. So, when we suggest putting large stakes around your driveway and other walkways, you should use that advice. It’s helpful whether you hire a snowplow company, shovel yourself or use a snow blower. While you may think you’ll know exactly where your driveway is, it’s not as easy to locate with a couple of feet of snow.


Shoveling snow during the winter is annoying as it is. If you don’t have a quality shovel to work with, you’re just making it harder on yourself and your back. While it might be tempting to buy a cheap shovel when you’re making your decision, it’s wiser to not be a penny-pincher. Spend more money on a heavy plastic or aluminum blade shovel that will get the job done easier.

Also, be mindful that large shovels aren’t always the best. Large shovels can cause back pain and arm stiffness. If you’re looking to find a shovel for heavy snowfalls, you should buy a s-blade shovel. C-blade shovels are better for lighter snowfalls.


This is a mistake that a lot of homeowners simply don’t consider when they’re removing snow. Whether they’re removing snow from a roof, from a deck, or from the driveway, you should avoid piling snow next to the side of your house. This will only lead to issues such as frozen pipes and even potentially cause cracks in your home’s foundation.


Shoveling snow can be a grueling activity, especially as you get older. If you don’t plan to hire a snow removal service, then it’s best that you follow these safety tips.

  • Bend your knees and lift with your legs.
  • Keep the blade close to you as you lift the snow.
  • Switch between shoveling left-handed and right-handed to avoid overstraining one side of the body.
  • Periodically switch your grip between overhand and underhand.
  • When the snowfall is heavy, don’t try to clear the entire depth at once; only do half at one time.


Whenever you’re removing snow, the reality is that it needs to be done frequently. The snow doesn’t seem to stop, but if you do you just make your job harder the next day. If you leave removing snow until the next day, the snow will start to stick to ground and might even freeze. This makes your job ten times harder.


If you’re just done with shoveling snow in the winter, invest in a snow blower. Snow blowers can take away a lot of the tedious parts of removing snow in the winter, but you’ll still need a shovel for your deck. While it’s a faster method of removing snow, it’s also a more expensive option as snow blowers can cost up to $500.


If you have a flat roof that is easily accessible, you can shovel your roof, but it’s important that you don’t damage your roof covering. Also, you should always consider your own personal safety before attempting to shovel your roof.


It may be possible to remove snow and ice from a sloped roof using a roof rake, which is a long-handled tool that is specifically designed for this reason.


There are a bunch of different options you can use to eliminate a slippery driveway and even a walkway such as salt (sodium chloride), calcium chloride, calcium magnesium acetate, and urea. Learning about the potential consequences of using each form of ice melt is important because these items can end up damaging plants, damaging flooring in your house, or harm your pets.

Lawn Care In Winter – Tips On Caring For Winter Lawns

Without mowing or weeding, winter is a good duration for Lawn Care Louisville KY.  It does not mean that you can leave your lawn thoroughly. By following some simple steps along with winter maintenance you can prepare your lawn for spring and make your lawn more beautiful. Keep reading to learn how to care your lawn in winter.

Lawn Mowing Company removal services is the most important and provides the most active methods in winter. When the first freeze is approaching, it effects on the sharpness of the blade of your mower on every single mowing. It reduces your lawn to a shorter length, and protect your grass from being used as the shelter by animals in it in the cold winter. Before the first frost, inflate your lawn to eliminate compaction. After that do the fertilization on your lawn. While low activity on the grass, the fertilizer will be planted between the leaves and gradually bless and feed them throughout the year.

Be sure to move and fertilize the lawn. Your lineal movements will give you the clear straight lines of healthy grass in the spring.


The simple tip for winter Louisville Lawn Service after taking these steps is to clean the fallen leaves and remove anything from the grass, such as tools, toys or branches. As the weather progresses, new branches and fallen leaves will be removed. The weight of these items during the winter can kill your lawn or can damage.

For the same reason, people do not stop walking in the grass. Keep roads and curb clear on snow and ice to prevent people from taking lawn shortcuts. Do not park a vehicle in the winter Lawn Service, as it can cause serious damage.

Salt can eliminate many of the benefits of winter lawn care. Do not kick or bend the snow over your lawn and try to use the smallest value of salt in the neighborhood. If you need salt, choose mixtures based on calcium chloride, lower than sodium chloride.

Here at Russell’s we are on many different social media sites and has very good reputation in between Louisville Lawn Care. We always love to see new followers and friends and love having people like or favorite the work that we do so please, feel free to follow the work that we do by either befriending or following us!

We are constantly posting current jobs that we take on to allow anyone to see the fantastic quality work that we always provide to each and every clients big or small. Always feel free to comment or reach out to us for any questions you may have.

6 Steps to Prepare Your Lawn for Winter

You’ve spent all summer mowing your lawn and enjoying how luscious and green it looks. It was the perfect setting for outdoor barbecues, birthday parties, camp-outs for the kids, and other gatherings. Now the weather is cold and you want to protect your lawn so it will be just as nice when warm weather comes knocking again.

Sure you could just leave it be, but Louisville Lawn Service have some tips that can help prepare your lawn for winter, so that it is ready to fill out strong and green when the cold and snow begin to clear.

Know When to Mow

This one is important. Even in summer months you want to be sure not to more your lawn too often or too short! We’ve seen so many lawns scorched from low mowing that we can’t count anymore.

In the fall, you should mow your grass every 10 to 14 days until all of the leaves have fallen. This will make sure leaves don’t smother the lawn and keep it at a healthy length to prepare for winter. Check the minimum recommended length for the type of grass you have, but a good general length to prepare the grass for winter is 1.5 inches for warm climates and 0.75 inches for cool climates.

According to the Lawn Care Louisville KY Leaving the grass at a recommended length like this for the winter lets the grass protect itself and helps reduce fungus growth when it snows. It also helps delay cutting until warmer weather comes along.


Don’t Forget the Fertilizer

You may want to add a natural fertilizer through lawn mowing company to help ensure it will be green and lush next season.

If you didn’t do this at the end of summer, go ahead and do it before winter comes. Be sure you are using a good organic fertilizer with 0% phosphates.

Reduce or Stop Irrigation

Now that the weather is cooler, you don’t need to water your grass as much, if at all. If you are in a warmer climate, you can simply reduce how often and how long your sprinklers run.

If you are in a cooler climate, go ahead and stop your sprinklers altogether. You don’t want the water to run and then freeze overnight, and it will help you save water. Lawn Care Fern Creek.

Maintain Your Compost

Fall is a great time to build up your compost pile to have it ready for next spring. While you are cleaning up your yard before winter comes be sure to add some of the “brown” that your compost needs. For example, gather some leaves and add them to your compost pile. The leaves will prevent the pile from getting too wet and add a little insulation to the compost as well. Be sure to leave some to chop up with the mower as well.

Prevent Mosquitoes

This is one people often forget about when doing Lawn Care for winter.

Walk around your property and make sure you don’t have anything that collects stagnant water. Mosquitos breed when the temperature is around 50 degrees, so if you provide them places to breed in the cooler weather, you can expect to get bit when the warmer months come back.

Any sources of still water are a problem, since mosquitoes can use something as small as a bottle cap to lay eggs. Check your flowerbeds, garden pots and rainwater barrels and replace water in your birdbath daily to prevent breeding.

You will thank yourself for this extra step when you are enjoying warm nights out the following summer without all of the bites!

Be Careful in the Winter

If it snows, leave it on the grass. Some people plow around sidewalks and driveways in the grass, and this is a big mistake because snow actually protects your lawn – sort of like insulation from the crisp, bitter winter air. Plowing the snow on the grass will cause those patches of grass to not grow as well, making your lawn look patchy in the spring.

Taking care of your Landscaping is about more than making it pretty. These tips will help ensure a healthier lawn that can better care for itself with less work on your part. These tips can certainly help you get your lawn ready to survive the winter so you can enjoy it when summer comes around again.

How to Divide Overgrown Perennials

Dividing perennials every three to six years is a great way to thin clump-forming varieties, like the daylily shown here (Hemerocallis), which blooms from late spring to late summer. This technique can also be used to control plant size, invigorate growth, and multiply the number of specimens in a garden, Lawn Care Louisville KY.

A good rule of thumb is to split apart spring- and summer-blooming perennials in late summer or before the fall frost. Fall bloomers are best divided in the spring so that they can devote their energy to growing roots and leaves.

Before dividing, water the mother plant well for a day or two before you dig it up, and wait for a cloudy day to do the actual digging — hot, sunny weather stresses plants. Then follow these steps and you’ll be rewarded with new, more vigorous plants to share with friends or add to your garden. Lawn Mowing Company.


Dig up the plant

Rake back any mulch covering the base of the stems, then set a spade or shovel 6 to 12 inches from the center of the plant and push it down vertically into the soil. Work the shovel this way around the plant until you’ve formed a circle. Now slip the shovel blade under the root ball and pry it out of the ground.

Separate the stems

After plucking out any thin or weak stems, gently separate the remaining healthy ones into clumps of three to five shoots. That number helps ensure that the plant will recover quickly after being divided. If the center looks dead compared with the outside edges, cut it away with a soil knife and leave the outside edges.

Make the cut

For smaller plants with six to 10 stems, place a soil knife between the separated stems and saw straight down through the thick, fleshy roots that form the crown. Continue cutting all the way through the root ball. For larger, heavier root balls, according to the Louisville Lawn Care use two forks placed back-to-back to pierce the center of the crown. Push the forks apart until the clumps separate.

Tease and plant

Gently tease the roots out of the bottom and sides of each new clump with your fingers. Now dig the holes; they should be 1 to 2 inches shallower and 6 to 9 inches wider than the teased root ball. Plant each root ball, and back fill with soil mixed with a root-promoting Louisville Lawn Service and fertilization, watering as you go. Water every two or three days for the next couple of weeks to get them established.

5 Landscape and Lawn Care Trends to Pay Attention to in 2018

Heading into the new year is always a great time to take stock of where you are and where you want to be. If you’re a homeowner or commercial property manager, one aspect of your life you’re likely to consider is how your property looks and whether or not that matches the image you want people to see.

If that strikes a chord with you, you’ll want to take just a few moments to learn about the following lawn care and landscaping trends that are going to be popular in 2018. Maybe there’s an idea or two in this list that can inspire your next outdoor project!


1. Meditation gardens

What used to be a practice exclusive to the far east is now routinely recommended by the local Lawn Care Louisville KY: meditation as a form of stress relief and relaxation. With studies proving the power of meditation to reduce stress, improve mood, and promote general well being, it’s no wonder millions of homeowners are looking into turning a portion of their property into a permanent retreat where they can go to practice mindfulness.

These beautiful oases from the hubbub of modern life can be as simple as a small fenced area with Fertilization and a water element, or as complex and otherworldly as your imagination can conceive. The only rules are: no electronics, and use your indoor voice.

2. Extending the inside out

Many homeowners are seeking a more seamless transition from their inner to their outer sanctuaries, and builders or Louisville Lawn Service professionals re delivering the goods with indoor/outdoor flooring that looks and functions equally well in both locations.

Various types of natural stone, tile, and concrete can work well for these kinds of transitional spaces. Combined with French doors and a well-designed patio or deck area, these simple, functional flooring choices can greatly expand the look and feel of your living space.

3. More color and more variety

While minimalism and simplicity have been trendy for years now — and they certainly still have their place — many homeowners and property managers alike are enjoying the vibrant beauty of a lush landscape bursting with a variety of trees, bushes, and flowering shrubs.

The key, in most cases, is wise selection of plants based on the level of maintenance you’re willing and able to provide. If you can’t commit to a significant weekly workload, your best bet is to identify the lowest maintenance plants that thrive best in your region and fill empty spaces with plenty of those. Of course, hiring a Lawn Mowing Company service can open up your options, so don’t give up on higher-maintenance plants right off the bat.

4. Fountains and waterfalls

While water elements like waterfalls and fountains have been a beloved addition to outdoor spaces for centuries, they’ve become especially popular on the commercial side in recent years. This trend is likely to continue through 2018.

The real value of fountains in retail spaces or outside your commercial building’s entrance is the effect they can have on customers and employees alike: running water just naturally relaxes the body and soothes the mind. It also provides a comfortable source of low key white noise that can drown out harsher sounds like traffic or the crying of cranky toddlers who don’t want to be out shopping anymore. Lawn Care Iroquois.

Combined with judiciously chosen greenery and well-maintained walkways, a water element can do wonders for the look and feel of your commercial property.

5. A well-manicured lawn

A classic that never goes out of style. It doesn’t matter if your property is huge or tiny, if the lawn is artfully cared for, or just fills the space between the road and your door… if it’s neat, clean, and green, then it’s guaranteed to be a trendy landscaping in 2018 and beyond.

4 Steps to a Healthy Lawn

Lawn care is not as simple as a four step program. One person’s lawn is not the same as the next. Soil conditions, weather, geographical location, orientation to the sun, budget, usage, previous history – there are plenty of factors that can alter a lawn care program and one lawn should never be treated exactly the same as the next. People love things to be easy though, so a four step program is an ideal marketing tool for lawn care made easy.

Of course, it is not that easy but in the spirit of other Lawn Care Louisville KY programs, here is a four-step lawn care program. (spoiler – it’s a little more involved than four steps!)


1 . Watering – Providing adequate moisture is a key component to a healthy lawn but time and time again, over watering is more of a problem than not having enough water. Sprinkler systems should only be used to provide supplemental water, not as the main source of water for the lawn. A healthy lawn planted with the appropriate grass species and properly maintained will need far less water than commonly thought. For Louisville Lawn Service, I often don’t water any turf until June and even then it is rare. The trick is to build the strongest, deepest root zone possible so grass can withstand periods of drought, only turning the water on when it is absolutely necessary.

2 . Fertilization – Timing is key when it comes to fertilizing the lawn.

The lawn should be allowed to “wake up” on it’s own a little before going out there first thing in the spring and fertilizing. Similarly, the grass should be allowed to harden off on its own in the winter. Improper timing in the fall could result in excessive top growth while the focus should be on root zone development.

As important as timing is ​the fertilizer type whether it’s an organic fertilizer derived from bone meal and fish emulsion or water-soluble synthetic fertilizer designed to release slowly over the course of several weeks. Fertilizers higher in nitrogen are used at the outset of the growing season to encourage top growth and fertilizer with less nitrogen and a little more potassium are best for the fall to build the root system of the lawn. A renewed root zone allows for a strong spring start up and the whole process is repeated.

3 . – Choosing the appropriate grass for your lawns is important to the entire lawn care program. The standard Kentucky bluegrass lawn has a nice color and is dense and lush but it requires more inputs than fescues especially newer cultivars bred for drought tolerance and disease resistance. A Kentucky bluegrass lawn requires more water, fertilizer, and mowing than other lawns, while new varieties of turf-type tall fescues are proving to be excellent low maintenance alternatives. Also be sure to plant the appropriate species for your geographic location, climate, and relative position to sun and shade.

4 . Pests and Weeds – Weeds and pests can be a problem but generally only when a lawn is stressed out and not maintained properly.

Weeds and pests are opportunists and will invade bare or thinning turf as lawns with poor soil conditions. Through a basic IPM program, use the presence of weeds and pests as a signal that there may be a deeper problem in the lawn. Have your soil tested to ensure proper pH and adequate nutrient levels. Improving the condition of the soil and many weed and pest problems will disappear.

Can a Louisville Lawn Care program really be as easy as four steps? Of course not, within each of my steps there are many other factors and practices that go into growing a healthy lawn. Start with the soil, have it tested, and be wary of quick and easy solutions that seem too good to be true.

6 Important Snow Removal Tips

In the winter of 2017 it is expected to bring more snow to the east and cool temperatures to the south and west. We seem to hear these horrible predictions every year and, then, if you live in such areas, you should know how to deal with a difficult winter and to control impacts of Lawn Care Louisville KY.

Snow removal is perhaps the most intense and timely task that many of us need to endure every winter, but unfortunately it is also the most important requirement. Without proper tricks to remove the snow, you may lose your entrance, view when you take the mail or, unfortunately, destroy your appeal once the white trim disappears.

That’s why I showed six tricks and tips for Lawn Care Fern Creek. If you expect heavy snow and you want to save your assets so please continue reading.


1. Make high stakes around the entrance, hallway, and sidewalk

In Louisville, KY we know something about snowfall. After all, we have faced the snow fall since many years. Therefore, if we say that it is important to work hard on the edge of the entrance, in the hallway and on the sidewalk, we mean it.

The useful memories of Louisville Lawn Service will show you that where you can slide, plow and dissolve. Although it is possible to find your local snow removal professional on your own way. There are hundreds of streets and ramps and, as you know, not all are the same. Make it easy to find your way by using professional quality services. Otherwise you may face a devastated garden in winter and spring.

2. Buy a good kick

We understand the desire to buy a cheap shovel. After all, we do not use it all year long, why is there more money for the fork? Well, once the first few inches get in your way, you’re grateful that you bought the right shovel.

I recommend a shovel with a medium-size plastic or aluminum knife with a non stick finish. While larger shots seem logical, they come back and the hardness will be difficult later. The shape of the shovel is great for removing heavy snow and C-shaped shovel is better for pushing and removing soft snow.

3. Shoveling

We understand that shovel is a nuisance, tiring and tedious. As a result, wait up to at least a few inches of snow until we boot. Do your best to resist the impulse and move as often as possible.

When the snow starts and temperatures drop below the freezing point, it is likely to remain or freeze in the driveway and sidewalk. In fact, even in cold temperatures above the freezing point, it can still fall. Stop its tracks by sliding it before it has a chance to hold it your tracks and ways. The sticky snow carries hard ice and that’s exactly what we are trying to avoid and suggesting you as the Lawn Service Louisville KY.

4. Salt out

Even if we kick as often as possible, the ice will no doubt do the way around your garden. As a result, Shoveling will not just cut it. You should invade the ice with salt, sand or kitty litter.

Since most Americans tend to rely on salt, rock salt is the cheapest and most accessible marketplace. Unfortunately, it does not work if the temperature drops below 12 ° C and you can eat in concrete. If you want to avoid the wrong expenses, we recommend that you use a moderate salt.

5. Snowblowers

When I was a kid, I was always fascinated with snowplows. Growing up in Louisville, I saw them in every corner and I always wanted one. It looks like a beautiful winter toy. Now that I grew up, I see why some owners cut ammunition and some stopped.

It is surprising that snowplows and snow blowers are faster to escape than the any other technique I have seen and many professional companies will offer you the residential snow removal services by using the snow blower. If you expect an inch and a half of snow each winter, it’s time to invest in a snow blower.

6. Do not put snow near the base

Your foundation and walls are really very important and its also important that you prevent your frozen pipes. Because when the snow comes around your home is not only dangerous for frozen tubes, but once it’s too cold, it can damage your pipes and foundation.

The foundation fixes are never cheap and homeowners all over the country should do anything to avoid foundation repair expenses.

Snow Removal Fee

Costs to eliminate up to six inches of snow start at $ 100. Some contractors charge a lower rate by removing smaller quantities as two inches. In most heavy snow regions, contracts may contain higher rates for snow height greater than six inches. A good thumb policy for any removal projects over six centimeters is to add $ 40 for every additional half a foot of snow.

Lawn Service Louisville KY services are highly discussed compared to other types of contracts. Owners should not be afraid to find a rate that best suits their needs. In areas of heavy snow, there will be several contractors available to treat this type of work, so there is no reason to keep shopping for the best rates available.


More snow and colder temperatures always seem to be on the horizon, but if you prepare and follow the above guidelines, you will not have winter problems.

How to Protect Your Northwest Florida Lawn and Plants This Winter

As we’re now into the depths of the Louisville winter (for those frosty days below 60!) shrub care and lawn maintenance become a matter of out-of-site-out-of-mind. But the fact is, your lawn and landscaping need a lot of attention throughout the winter or you’re going to have an ugly spring ahead of you.

Here are some tips suggested by the Lawn Care Louisville for caring for your lawn, shrubs, and potted plants during the cold winter months, so they’ve got the best fighting chance of looking their best come spring.

Winter Lawn Maintenance

One of the worst things you can do during the cold winter months is over-water and over-fertilize your lawn. The greener your grass is, the more water it retains, and the more damage that will be done the moment the temperature drops below freezing.

During the winter, your lawn isn’t growing, so it’s not using water or fertilizer nearly as fast as it did during the summer. Over-fertilizing the lawn can do damage to the grass, but even more importantly, the fertilizer then just leeches into the ground or finds its way into waterways. Plus, in colder months when the ground tends to stay wetter longer, especially overnight, there could be an increased problem with lawn diseases.

According to the Landscaping Iroquois Instead, give your lawn the water and fertilizer it needs while it’s growing during the spring and summer, then let it rest when it needs to rest during the winter months. It will get just enough water it needs from rainfall, which we get regularly year round on the Gulf Coast. 


Winter Shrub Care

As long as your shrubs or ornamental plants are established (usually 1-2 years or older) they’re going to need very little attention throughout the winter. Likely, the rain will be sufficient for water since their need is very low during the winter.

Very young or particularly fragile shrubs can be covered with a blanket, sheet, or other appropriate covering on the coldest nights, said by Lawn Care Fern Creek, but don’t forget to uncover them in the morning when the sun’s back out so you don’t smother them from necessary sunlight.

Outdoor Potted Plants

The best option for potted plants in the winter is to bring them inside if at all possible, especially if the temperature is at or below freezing.  If that isn’t possible or practical, you can also cover them up with a sheet or blanket as noted above.

The exception to this rule, of course, is annuals that actually bloom in the winter – like pansies, snap dragons and kale.  These flowers love it outside through the worst Louisville can send at them, and they can keep your porch looking gorgeous right through the winter months.

So as the winter progresses, don’t let your lawn maintenance and shrub care fall behind, then complain about it in the spring! Do something about it today. And, as always, contact our Louisville Lawn Service company if we can help!

6 Christmas Decor Ideas to Try on Your Home and Lawn this Season

The weather is still plenty hot in Pensacola, and it will stay that way for awhile. But, with the start of another school year, we’ll soon feel the evenings starting to cool down. And, before you know it, it’s going to be fall again.

So, now is a great time to start planning ahead to make sure you have everything you need to structure and carry out an effective maintenance schedule for your Pensacola lawn. Here’s what you need to know to create a fall schedule and get to work:

The growing season is starting to slow down

While we still see sunshine and rain throughout most of the fall and the temperatures stay warm enough to support most local plant growth through November, your grass isn’t going to grow as quickly in the fall as it did throughout the spring and summer months.

As a result, you’re likely going to need to Lawn Care Louisville, which is good because there are other valuable lawn care tasks you can use that time to accomplish.

Your watering schedule should also begin to taper off as days get shorter and temperatures drop. With the first few months of fall also being prime time for tropical storms, it’s possible you won’t need to water much at all depending on how much rain the area receives.

Additionally, naturally slower growth in the fall is your lawn’s way of winding down for the winter when a healthy lawn goes dormant. So, it’s important not to artificially hinder or stop this process by over-fertilizing the grass in the fall. While it could help your grass maintain a bright green color through the holidays, you will likely regret it next spring when, instead of coming back to life, your lawn is brown, flat, or dead.


Focus on the soil

Since the grass is growing less, it gives you an opportunity to put some more focus on your lawn’s soil. This can be done in a few different ways:

  1. Stay vigilant against fungal outbreaks – The cool, wet conditions of the fall are optimal for some common species of lawn fungus (like Large Patch and Leaf Spot) to flourish and contact to your local Lawn Care Iroquois for better care at right time. Learn how to identify these lawn diseases before they get too strong a foothold in your lawn.
  2. Balance the soil’s pH – While maintaining a healthy soil pH balance is important year-round, fall is an especially good time to actively test and treat the soil because the dormant months ahead offer a chance for the soil to balance out fully and for dormant plant roots to fully absorb the resulting nutrients.
  3. Apply a “winterizer” – Lawn Care Louisville KY professionals will often apply a treatment to the soil in the late fall to protect vulnerable plant roots. This treatment restores carbohydrates and grows the root system in preparation for surviving a potentially harsh winter.

Clean up fallen leaves

It’s commonly understood that fallen leaves provide a beneficial layer of insulation and source of nutrients for grass that can help your lawn survive the winter. While there’s some truth to that, it can be taken too far.

If your lawn includes a large number of deciduous trees and a thick blanket of dead leaves covers areas of the yard, it’s probably doing more harm than good. These thick layers of organic waste can effectively smother the grass and make it harder for the grass to prepare for winter dormancy, making it weaker in the spring.

Pine needles are more prevalent in the fall, and they make excellent mulch. Rake them up and use them in your vegetable garden, flower garden, and shrub beds.

Apply dormant oil

Dormant oil is a simple and effective way to protect plants from many common insects and diseases that will often attack during the dormant winter months when some of the plant’s natural defenses may be less effective. Therefore, it’s a perfect project for rounding out your lawn maintenance schedule late in the fall.

By applying a thin coating of dormant oil to trees and shrubs, you can manage scale, aphids, mites, and other soft-bodied insects that can do a lot of damage to these plants during the late fall and early winter. It can also cut down on powdery mildews and other diseases that aphids tend to spread.

While you’re likely to being mowing less, as you can see, there’s no shortage of activity required by your lawn in the cooler fall months. Most of our customers maintain professional lawn maintenance straight through the fall to be sure they’re their lawns will stay healthy, lush, and vibrant until natural winter dormancy, and bloom healthy again in the spring.

If you’d like to discuss having professionals maintain your Pensacola lawn care this fall, contact Louisville Lawn Service today.